Our Partners

Microsoft is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies

I am looking for sponsors to help fund the logistical and resource aspects of the trek.

In order to make this expedition viable I will have to raise £80,000. The intention is to secure £10,000 from four companies in order to cover the required finances for the trip.

Current negotiations are ongoing and I am talking to two Fortune 500 companies. As there has been no formal agreement I am unable to add their details to this page. Once we secure funding the logos and links will be added here.

The benefits our sponsors will receive include:

  • Extensive exposure via social media channels
  • Brand advertising via logo placement on equipment, this website, presentations (both in the run up to, and following, the expedition)
  • Private presentations to respective companies
  • Further opportunities for collaboration

For investment enquiries, please contact me by either of the following means:

email: jim.redden@outlook.com

Mobile: 07738 760238